I've already covered my support for the freedom of expression for everyone, so let's move on to another incendiary issue - multiculturalism. To start, I want to say that multiculturalism is more fucked than a crack-addicted whore.
Now, does that statement imply that I have a problem with other peoples' cultures? No. It means that the vast majority of "tolerant" people, supporters of the globalist, multicultural ideal are hypocritical liberal fucking boring Caucasians.
Every people has a right to their culture, right? Of course. The problem is that, in the same way we approach freedom of expression, we only extend this protection to those aspects of cultures we find acceptable and similar to our own.
You like dogs? You think they're pets? Well, I don't care. Some Asian cultures think they're a great part of a meal. That's cool. Why the fuck not? Dogs are made of meat.
I seriously doubt most "open-minded" people would be willing to actively support the rights of people in America to buy dogs to slaughter and eat.
Here's an even better example: female circumcision, also known as "female genital mutilation." I bet I'm hitting a raw fucking nerve with this one. I'm fucking fine with this practice and see no reason to oppose it as of yet. You know why?
Because men have their fucking dicks cut and nobody cares. That's cultural. That's to be supported. Because fucking Jew-god said so. Isn't that some crazy bullshit? Fucking creator of the universe cares about the dick skin of little boys.
Just like every person has prejudices and opinions that other people find reprehensible, every culture as a whole has practices and beliefs that outsiders are disgusted and offended by. That's why it's a different fucking culture.
Americans love showing off diversity like we're in a fucking museum. "Embrace other cultures," unless those cultures have practices that are radically different than our own. Fucking hypocrites.
We're the "melting pot," right? You know what happens in a melting pot? All the shit becomes indistinguishable. You make a bunch of stew, with carrots, onions, (dog) meat, whatever. After hours of it cooking, the carrots don't taste like carrots any more. It all tastes the same. And that's cool, something new is created, but the creation of the new necessitates the destruction and assimilation of the old.
So what's the fucking deal? Are we going to preserve and celebrate other cultures by keeping them unique and fucking distinct? Or are we going to go on destroying them through assimilation and calling it diversity? After a while it isn't diverse, it's just a fucking slop with no distinguishing attributes left to the original contributions.
Enough with the self-righteousness, the white guilt, the fucking sad attempts at appearing open-minded, you fucking scum.
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