A nation is destroyed, its people humiliated. Post-war, they rebuild their armaments and go to war under a banner of nationalism, killing not only military fighters of the defenders, but civilians as well.
In this case, I'm talking about Germany. World War I decimated the country, leaving it victimized. The NSDAP, to gain power, used the utter fucking rape (the Treaty of Versailles) they were subjected to as fodder for a new national movement. They'd been victimized and would have revenge. And so World War II happened and a bunch of Jews were killed.
A nation is destroyed, its people humiliated. Post-war, they rebuild
their armaments and go to war under a banner of nationalism, killing not
only military fighters of the defenders, but civilians as well.
In this case, I'm talking about the Jews. Granted, they weren't exactly a nation before the attempted annihilation, but that's largely inconsequential. In both cases, a group who has been metaphorically fucked has turned around and fucked someone else.
So, just to make sure I'm not being too subtle here, I'm going to point out a similarity I feel is a pretty fucking big deal:
National Socialism and Zionism (let's just go ahead and admit it - Judaism as a whole) are nationalist, supremacist ideologies. The Nazis considered Aryans the "master race," while Judaism espouses the belief that the Jews are "God's chosen people."
Both the Nazis in the past and the Israelis currently embark on a campaign of territorial expansion, forcing members outside of their own national-ethnic group to move.
Both groups attack the personal character of critics. Here you'll find an illustrative article where some assfucked Zionist has the audacity to call a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz anti-Semitic for criticizing Israeli policy.
To be honest, I don't give a good god damn about Israel one way or the other. What I care most about is the utter fucking hypocrisy exhibited.
Alright, I lied. I do care about Israel - FUCK ISRAEL! I don't have a problem with Jews (as an ethnicity) but I have a major fucking problem with Abrahamic religions (Judaism included). Unfortunately, my open admittance of hating their fucking cock-mutilating, right hand path, morally obsessive, arrogant religion will most likely get me labeled as "anti-Semitic," despite the fact that I'm talking about a religion and not a race. Despite the fact that I have been dating a girl with Jewish blood for just under 2 years.
Israel, quit using the Holocaust as an excuse to perpetuate your own genocide. Quit confusing race and religion. Quit fucking saying it's racist to criticize the politics of a country founded on racial supremacy ("God's chosen people," remember?).
Israel, you are fucking scum.
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