Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Left Hand of the Right

Molti nemici. Molto honore.

If we are to accept the standard political left-right dichotomy - defining the left as seeking the abolition of social hierarchy and supporting egalitarianism, with the right as its opposite - I see it as obvious that Satanism is intrinsically tied to the right. The greatest obstacle to Americans comes in the form of knee-jerk backlash due predominantly to the association of right wing politics with neoconservative Christianity.

We assorted followers of the left hand path praise strength, might and domination. The leftist goal of equality is completely fucking alien to us, confident as we are in our inherent superiority over the incompetent Judeo-Christian masses.

The key word here is, "inherent." We don't proselytize because one is either possessed of the inner Black Flame or not. The centre-right upholds that people have themselves to blame - too lazy or undisciplined to better themselves - while the far-right acknowledges that some people are inherently superior to others.

The far right has too long been obsessed with arbitrary, inconsequential characteristics - skin colour and sexual orientation. I don't care who anyone fucks! What we need is a far-right based on strength and merit, utterly opposed to the exultation of weakness exemplified by right hand morality.

We who live by a superior amorality have no need to pretend these fearful, wretched beings are in any way equal to us. Enough hiding, enough bullshit! Too many spineless fucks masquerading as Satanists have tried to give us a "good image." Fuck that!

We should be a force to be feared. Therefore, I'm making a call that the true Satanic elite become an extremely visible presence in society. This means using their hilarious anti-discrimination laws to our advantage. But why stop at being visible? It's time to form a united, militant Satanic front to oppose the weakness in society and show what we think of the fucking scum!

To be clear, for those of you too fucking stupid to understand, I'm not condoning violence in any manner. That would be illegal. I am simply saying that Satanists should become a visible, vocal force. We should be proud of who we are, fight legislation based on Judeo-Christian values and be prepared to defend ourselves in any LEGAL manner. If it's legal by federal and state law, that's fine. If it's not legal, don't do it. Illegal activity doesn't help our cause, it just gives them more ammunition against us.

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