Friday, June 14, 2013

You Fucking "Satanic" Scum, Part II

I'm so fucking sick of hearing about Anton Lavey and the church he started. Can't anybody move on with their lives? I swear, I'm embarassed to call myself a Satanist any more.

I don't care how people feel one way or another, but I do care about misinformation being spread. The Satanic Bible did not promote explicit atheism, though it seems the majority of dogmatic Satanists don't know this. What is outlined in the opening paragraph of the chapter, "Wanted! God Dead or Alive" is really better described as panentheism. To break it down for all of you, he says that "God" is a balancing force in nature. That's not atheism. Agree or disagree with what it says, whatever, but know what you're fucking talking about. Furthermore, what's wrong with being a con-artist (and a good one, at that)? I respect Lavey for milking all the shits that payed to join his church, they're the ones that really deserve criticism.

So, idiots and the ignorant, that's one thing that's making it embarassing to identify as a Satanist. Number two is...

Dogmatic motherfuckers. God damn it, you people are just like fucking Christians. Every time someone has a different interpretation, you're ready to beat them to death with your dicks. Every time someone starts to question you piss yourselves out of fear that something new, something unique, might come about. Something you hadn't thought of. Grow the fuck up, you little shits. Also, regarding growing up...

What the fuck happened to self identity? What's with this fucking "Satanic" image? I'm so sick of the pretense to evil I see everywhere. Ooooh, you're fucking spooky, you've got some shitty makeup on and gaudy jewelry. If you want to look like that, that's fine. If you want to dress up like a fucking furry that got covered in sparkly pink shit, whatever. Point being, there's no Satanic "look." If you think you need to look a certain way because you're a Satanist, you're really a fucking moron with no sense of individualism.

I mean, seriously, what the fuck? I always thought being a Satanist meant being an individual, bettering yourself, taking responsibility for your life, learning - you know, acting in a Satanic manner. Guess I was wrong. Seems to me that being a Satanist is about looking a certain way and praying for help because you can't do shit for yourselves.

What a fucking embarassing group of people to be associated with. I'm not saying "You're not Satanists." What I'm saying is, we're both Satanists in the same way that Thomas Aquinas and some backwoods Church of Christ preacher are both Christians.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

That Offends Me

I've had this idea for a while, but I think it's time to put it out there. So, western society keeps getting more sensitive. Everybody gets offended, everybody's worried about discrimination, political correctness, fucking "hate speech." Here's what I say we do:

Turn it against them.

Christmas music playing in Wal-mart? Fuck you, that offends me as a Satanist. Refusal to play Satanic music? That's discrimination. I'm serious, even though I'm not so insecure I don't get offended by people having different beliefs than me.

I'm tired of people getting offended by shit. Nobody gives a fuck about freedom of speech, because they're too worried they might have to hear something they don't like.

Fuck all that shit. Bunch of rectal fucking buggery, I say. Piss all over their parade! I mean, really, why should I have to listen to some shitty Christian music, ever? It's not even that it's Christian that bothers me, it's that it's just shitty music. But whatever.

If we've all got to tolerate each other, then tolerate my hateful fucking religion, you fucking scum.

Monday, May 20, 2013

A Bunch of Shit I'm Fucking Sick Of

Christ's oozing ass, it's been a while. Seven months, roughly. To make up for lost time, this isn't going to be one of my standard rants on an individual subject. Instead, here's a fraction of the shit that's pissed me off over the course of these months, in no particular order.

People who claim to "listen to everything."
No, you don't. Just shut the fuck up, right now. FUCK! People who say this are, invariably, completely ignorant of most musical styles - and would hate most of them if they ever heard them. Funeral doom, neo-folk, war metal, deathrock, goregrind, power electronics - I love all these, in addition to Tom Jones, Velvet Underground, Sisters of Mercy, and I never say I "listen to everything." Just admit you have narrow musical tastes limited to what's currently popular, you fucking scum.

Punks politicizing black metal
Rectal fucking buggery, can't you guys keep your fucking idiotic politics out of my music? If I wanted to hear about social inequality, I'd listen to some anarcho-punk. And, sometimes, I do. The point is, though, that your politics don't belong in black metal. Being a vegetarian is not black metal. Making the world a better place is not black metal. Caring about other people is not black metal, you fucking scum.

Nazis politicizing black metal
This one gets mentioned - even though I've covered it before, even though I could include it in that last one ("Caring about other white people is not black metal.") This isn't an Antifa rant, because I think those guys are as fucking stupid as these NSBM kids. Just, seriously, keep your fucking silly politics out of my music. And to any of you fucks who read this and have some dumb-ass thought like, "But it is black metal because black metal is about elitism and whites are elite," NO! That's fucking populism, which is the opposite fucking thing! Oh, and I want to remind all the Slavic NSBM bands that the Nazis hated you fucking scum.

The hot dog buns I had recently
This isn't a joke, this is fucking serious. I can not believe how incredibly shitty those buns were. WHAT THE FUCK?! I understand, they're Wal-mart's brand, so they're not going to suck my dick or anything that fancy, but they weren't fucking functional. First, I had to take a knife to separate the top and bottom of each individual bun, to fit a hot dog in. Then, I'd get it in, but the seam would tear. If I held it so the hot dog didn't fall out the bottom, the bread fucking broke apart from the strain of being in contact with a hot dog. I mean, I've gotten these before, same brand and all, but the packaging was a little different. Seriously, make some better buns, you fucking scum.

None of the stores carrying Java Mite Rip-It
If you don't know, Rip-It is an energy drink that sells for $1, which is pretty kick ass considering that almost all energy drinks have between 80 and 100 mgs of caffeine/8oz serving, but a lot of them cost closer to $3. I don't drink this shit for the taste, I drink it to wake me up. The Java Mite ones were actually on the lower end of the caffeine scale, but they tasted so fucking terrible it more than compensated. Before energy drinks as we know them came around, if I was really fucking tired I'd just mix up black coffee and Dr. Pepper, because HOLY SHIT THAT FUCKING TASTE! The first time I had one of these Java Mites a friend (who probably doesn't want his name attached to this trashy shitstorm blog) gave it to me because he couldn't finish it. As soon as I tasted it, I realized it was just like the mixture I used to make, only sweeter. What, you thought they were like those other coffee energy drinks - just overly sweetened coffee with a vomit (taurine) aftertaste? FUCK NO! These motherfuckers are carbonated! If you find any, buy them. And then send them to me, you fucking scum.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Antinomian vol. II

Propaganda. Read it. Print it. Join the Poison Tongue Militia.

In this issue: "Satan Has Already Won,"  "Halloween Is The Devil's Holiday" & "Revelation I".

Spread it like poison, you fucking scum.

Antinomian vol. II

Sunday, August 19, 2012


A nation is destroyed, its people humiliated. Post-war, they rebuild their armaments and go to war under a banner of nationalism, killing not only military fighters of the defenders, but civilians as well.

In this case, I'm talking about Germany. World War I decimated the country, leaving it victimized. The NSDAP, to gain power, used the utter fucking rape (the Treaty of Versailles) they were subjected to as fodder for a new national movement. They'd been victimized and would have revenge. And so World War II happened and a bunch of Jews were killed.

A nation is destroyed, its people humiliated. Post-war, they rebuild their armaments and go to war under a banner of nationalism, killing not only military fighters of the defenders, but civilians as well.

In this case, I'm talking about the Jews. Granted, they weren't exactly a nation before the attempted annihilation, but that's largely inconsequential. In both cases, a group who has been metaphorically fucked has turned around and fucked someone else.

So, just to make sure I'm not being too subtle here, I'm going to point out a similarity I feel is a pretty fucking big deal:

 National Socialism and Zionism (let's just go ahead and admit it - Judaism as a whole) are nationalist, supremacist ideologies. The Nazis considered Aryans the "master race," while Judaism espouses the belief that the Jews are "God's chosen people."

Both the Nazis in the past and the Israelis currently embark on a campaign of territorial expansion, forcing members outside of their own national-ethnic group to move.

Both groups attack the personal character of critics. Here you'll find an illustrative article where some assfucked Zionist has the audacity to call a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz anti-Semitic for criticizing Israeli policy.

To be honest, I don't give a good god damn about Israel one way or the other. What I care most about is the utter fucking hypocrisy exhibited.

Alright, I lied. I do care about Israel - FUCK ISRAEL! I don't have a problem with Jews (as an ethnicity) but I have a major fucking problem with Abrahamic religions (Judaism included). Unfortunately, my open admittance of hating their fucking cock-mutilating, right hand path, morally obsessive, arrogant religion will most likely get me labeled as "anti-Semitic," despite the fact that I'm talking about a religion and not a race. Despite the fact that I have been dating a girl with Jewish blood for just under 2 years.

Israel, quit using the Holocaust as an excuse to perpetuate your own genocide. Quit confusing race and religion. Quit fucking saying it's racist to criticize the politics of a country founded on racial supremacy ("God's chosen people," remember?).

Israel, you are fucking scum.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Left Hand of the Right

Molti nemici. Molto honore.

If we are to accept the standard political left-right dichotomy - defining the left as seeking the abolition of social hierarchy and supporting egalitarianism, with the right as its opposite - I see it as obvious that Satanism is intrinsically tied to the right. The greatest obstacle to Americans comes in the form of knee-jerk backlash due predominantly to the association of right wing politics with neoconservative Christianity.

We assorted followers of the left hand path praise strength, might and domination. The leftist goal of equality is completely fucking alien to us, confident as we are in our inherent superiority over the incompetent Judeo-Christian masses.

The key word here is, "inherent." We don't proselytize because one is either possessed of the inner Black Flame or not. The centre-right upholds that people have themselves to blame - too lazy or undisciplined to better themselves - while the far-right acknowledges that some people are inherently superior to others.

The far right has too long been obsessed with arbitrary, inconsequential characteristics - skin colour and sexual orientation. I don't care who anyone fucks! What we need is a far-right based on strength and merit, utterly opposed to the exultation of weakness exemplified by right hand morality.

We who live by a superior amorality have no need to pretend these fearful, wretched beings are in any way equal to us. Enough hiding, enough bullshit! Too many spineless fucks masquerading as Satanists have tried to give us a "good image." Fuck that!

We should be a force to be feared. Therefore, I'm making a call that the true Satanic elite become an extremely visible presence in society. This means using their hilarious anti-discrimination laws to our advantage. But why stop at being visible? It's time to form a united, militant Satanic front to oppose the weakness in society and show what we think of the fucking scum!

To be clear, for those of you too fucking stupid to understand, I'm not condoning violence in any manner. That would be illegal. I am simply saying that Satanists should become a visible, vocal force. We should be proud of who we are, fight legislation based on Judeo-Christian values and be prepared to defend ourselves in any LEGAL manner. If it's legal by federal and state law, that's fine. If it's not legal, don't do it. Illegal activity doesn't help our cause, it just gives them more ammunition against us.