Monday, October 15, 2012

Antinomian vol. II

Propaganda. Read it. Print it. Join the Poison Tongue Militia.

In this issue: "Satan Has Already Won,"  "Halloween Is The Devil's Holiday" & "Revelation I".

Spread it like poison, you fucking scum.

Antinomian vol. II

Sunday, August 19, 2012


A nation is destroyed, its people humiliated. Post-war, they rebuild their armaments and go to war under a banner of nationalism, killing not only military fighters of the defenders, but civilians as well.

In this case, I'm talking about Germany. World War I decimated the country, leaving it victimized. The NSDAP, to gain power, used the utter fucking rape (the Treaty of Versailles) they were subjected to as fodder for a new national movement. They'd been victimized and would have revenge. And so World War II happened and a bunch of Jews were killed.

A nation is destroyed, its people humiliated. Post-war, they rebuild their armaments and go to war under a banner of nationalism, killing not only military fighters of the defenders, but civilians as well.

In this case, I'm talking about the Jews. Granted, they weren't exactly a nation before the attempted annihilation, but that's largely inconsequential. In both cases, a group who has been metaphorically fucked has turned around and fucked someone else.

So, just to make sure I'm not being too subtle here, I'm going to point out a similarity I feel is a pretty fucking big deal:

 National Socialism and Zionism (let's just go ahead and admit it - Judaism as a whole) are nationalist, supremacist ideologies. The Nazis considered Aryans the "master race," while Judaism espouses the belief that the Jews are "God's chosen people."

Both the Nazis in the past and the Israelis currently embark on a campaign of territorial expansion, forcing members outside of their own national-ethnic group to move.

Both groups attack the personal character of critics. Here you'll find an illustrative article where some assfucked Zionist has the audacity to call a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz anti-Semitic for criticizing Israeli policy.

To be honest, I don't give a good god damn about Israel one way or the other. What I care most about is the utter fucking hypocrisy exhibited.

Alright, I lied. I do care about Israel - FUCK ISRAEL! I don't have a problem with Jews (as an ethnicity) but I have a major fucking problem with Abrahamic religions (Judaism included). Unfortunately, my open admittance of hating their fucking cock-mutilating, right hand path, morally obsessive, arrogant religion will most likely get me labeled as "anti-Semitic," despite the fact that I'm talking about a religion and not a race. Despite the fact that I have been dating a girl with Jewish blood for just under 2 years.

Israel, quit using the Holocaust as an excuse to perpetuate your own genocide. Quit confusing race and religion. Quit fucking saying it's racist to criticize the politics of a country founded on racial supremacy ("God's chosen people," remember?).

Israel, you are fucking scum.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Left Hand of the Right

Molti nemici. Molto honore.

If we are to accept the standard political left-right dichotomy - defining the left as seeking the abolition of social hierarchy and supporting egalitarianism, with the right as its opposite - I see it as obvious that Satanism is intrinsically tied to the right. The greatest obstacle to Americans comes in the form of knee-jerk backlash due predominantly to the association of right wing politics with neoconservative Christianity.

We assorted followers of the left hand path praise strength, might and domination. The leftist goal of equality is completely fucking alien to us, confident as we are in our inherent superiority over the incompetent Judeo-Christian masses.

The key word here is, "inherent." We don't proselytize because one is either possessed of the inner Black Flame or not. The centre-right upholds that people have themselves to blame - too lazy or undisciplined to better themselves - while the far-right acknowledges that some people are inherently superior to others.

The far right has too long been obsessed with arbitrary, inconsequential characteristics - skin colour and sexual orientation. I don't care who anyone fucks! What we need is a far-right based on strength and merit, utterly opposed to the exultation of weakness exemplified by right hand morality.

We who live by a superior amorality have no need to pretend these fearful, wretched beings are in any way equal to us. Enough hiding, enough bullshit! Too many spineless fucks masquerading as Satanists have tried to give us a "good image." Fuck that!

We should be a force to be feared. Therefore, I'm making a call that the true Satanic elite become an extremely visible presence in society. This means using their hilarious anti-discrimination laws to our advantage. But why stop at being visible? It's time to form a united, militant Satanic front to oppose the weakness in society and show what we think of the fucking scum!

To be clear, for those of you too fucking stupid to understand, I'm not condoning violence in any manner. That would be illegal. I am simply saying that Satanists should become a visible, vocal force. We should be proud of who we are, fight legislation based on Judeo-Christian values and be prepared to defend ourselves in any LEGAL manner. If it's legal by federal and state law, that's fine. If it's not legal, don't do it. Illegal activity doesn't help our cause, it just gives them more ammunition against us.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Suicide, Existence and Logic

When faced with truth, there are two general reactions possible - acceptance or denial. The vastness of the universe challenges the sad, anthropocentric notions upon which most systems are based. Futility. Why continue? Why not run, shivering and afraid, to an omnipotent saviour who conveniently bears a striking resemblance to the cowering wretch?

Where is the weakness in suicide? Celebrate the courage it takes to face the wholeness of existence - or at least that infinitely small grain to which we are privy. The weak man trembles, his mind breaking, refusal to acknowledge the meaninglessness.

Vast and vaster, just specks on an insignificant crumb. Faced with this, who could fail to comprehend the inability to effect permanent, substantive change?

You shits. You fucking pathetic creatures. Without meaning, there is only a need to ease the suffering which is the standard of existence. One who, finding himself in a situation where the potential for further pain outweighs the probability of enjoyment, decides to take measures into his own hand - one who decries the giving up of choice and thus takes (control of) his own life - you pity him.

Santa is not real. Jesus does make it better in the end. If you require a mystical afterlife of stagnation, free of adversity and strife, to give meaning to corporeal existence, you are nothing.

You talk about fucking "terminal" illnesses as if there's another way out. You debate whether or not its ethical for someone to end their own misery - and define that misery solely as it relates to identifiable physical ailments.

A life not worth living is not worth living. We should call martyrs all those who killed themselves before their bodies shut down out of weariness. We should canonize all those who came to the realization that they did not have to take the seemingly endless drudgery and monotony of an existence defined by anguish and misery.

I'm really goddamn tired of you fucking scum.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

You Fucking "Satanic" Scum

Fucking Satanists. What a fucking pathetic group of losers. What a fucking whore-shit collective of immature, idiotic fucking scum. Since there are different types of Satanists and each wants to distance itself from the others and claim the name for themselves, I'll rip apart each one individually.

First off, Laveyan Satanism as exists today doesn't have a fucking thing to do with Satanism. Great, you fuck-heads, Lavey started a church back in '66. That doesn't give you the exclusive right to the title. You aren't fooling anyone other than yourselves - what you believe in is fucking secular humanism, not Satanism.
I get that calling it Satanism brought the money in and Lavey obviously wanted the fucking money. That's cool, whatever. I don't really even have a problem with Anton Lavey or his teachings - what he outlined in The Satanic Bible was a sensible life-philosophy. I do have a problem with some fucking fat fuck that paid $200 for a red business card with a pentagram on it telling me I'm not a Satanist because I don't do just like "Dr." Lavey said I should.

Oh, traditional Satanists, you fucking sorry sacks of shit. It's great that you recognize that Satanism has to have something to do with Satan for that label to have any meaning. However, it's pretty fucked that the lot of you act like some fucking incontinent old Christian woman. "Oh, Father Satan, give me money and a nice house and make my life better, I'm praying to you."
FUCK YOU! Take some fucking responsibility for your lives. Satanism isn't about being a fucking dogmatic shit, begging for some scraps and spending all your time reenacting mockeries of Catholicism. This obsession with ritual, magic and worship is absurd, humiliating and fucking juvenile. All this posturing about how fucking "evil" you are makes me sick. You act like fucking Protestants, closing your ears to any idea that isn't exactly in line with your "(un)holy book."

Joy of Satan
Holy shit, you motherfuckers are utterly, absurdly, hilariously fucked in the head. Let me get this straight: Satan is really an extraterrestrial alien? And his race genetically engineered humans? And Satan is a white supremacist? And you based all of this on the writings of Zecharia Sitchin, who in addition to apparently doing a shit job of translating Sumerian, was also fucking semitic?
To recap: These stupid fucks base their "Satanic" alien white supremacy on the writings of a Jew. 

Note to anyone involved with/interested in the Cathedral of the Black Goat: Back in 2008 I was a "high priest" within the organization and left abruptly. For those of you who weren't around then or don't remember why I left, I'll tell you. Because fucking Myrmidon publicly declared than anyone who did not support Obama in the election could fuck off. It was his view that the Cathedral of the Black Goat should support Obama. That's not very fucking Satanic.

In closing: You want to be a secular humanist? Fine, go for it. Quit calling yourself a fucking Satanist, though, it just makes you look like an idiot. And you look even more fucking stupid when you admit you paid $200 to join the club. You actually believe in Satan? Cool, me too. Don't be a fucking cunt. Don't act like you're living a Darkthrone album, that band fucking sucks. And finally, if you're going to espouse white supremacy, don't base your beliefs on a Jew's writings, you fucking scum.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hail Death

You know what's fucking awesome? Death.

Of course, that probably wasn't your answer, but fuck that. That's fucking stupid.

Death is awesome because:

When you die, your brain gets flooded with a shit-ton of DMT. That's fucking cool.

Population Control
This is really, really fucking simple, but the planet is full of cunts who can't comprehend basic math and shit, so I'll explain briefly. Too many of a given species will cause a shortage of food for that species. This isn't some hippy environmentalism, "save the animals" bullshit. This is, "too many humans, we starve."

People dying is fucking funny, especially if they die in comedic ways. Every time someone dies, all their family are like, "Oh mah gawd that boy was a saint." And then they get all emotional and shit. People make the funniest fucking faces when they sob. They turn all red and shit. It's even funnier when it's some white trash fuck with a mullet and a Coors shirt.

Less Stupid People
Fucking idiots are more likely to die because of their "condition." It's an eventuality for everyone, but wouldn't it be nice if all the stupid people died and the intelligent ones got a few years of happiness?

Why Not Death?
Everyone dies. Nobody's escaping it, so why the fuck try to stop it? Everyone fucking dies at some point. Quit worrying about it.

So, that's why death is awesome. Let's move on to awesome types of death:

This isn't the kind of shit you can pull off without control of an army numbering well into the thousands. However, when done properly, it provides decades of conversation pieces and gives all the fucked political parties a new incident to bicker over. This is also, incidentally, one of the only man-made forms of death that can rival what the earth can do. Genocide is a logical conclusion of industrialization at large.

Tsunamis, Floods and Hurricanes
I don't know man, I just really like water.

Holy fuck, disease is amazing! I mean, really, it's fucking beautiful. Because the life-cycles of individual members of a viral or bacterial species are so much shorter than humans, they evolve extraordinarily faster than we do. Medicine isn't helping. It isn't helping us, I mean. It sure is fuck helps diseases kill us. They become immune to our medications much, much quicker than we become immune to them or create new, effective chemicals. And most the cunts on this planet are so obsessed with hygiene and fearful of germs they don't really build immunities. You have to be exposed to diseases to not be extremely fucking vulnerable to them.

Nuclear Radiation
Fuck, this is up there with diseasee. Nuclear energy does some seriously fucked up things to people's bodies. I'll just leave this here: 

Death Is Omnipotent
Death is God. It is utterly unavoidable. It will embrace everything that lives. All will be silent once more.

Final Note 
Don't go around killing people. That's fucking stupid. The chances you'll get 100 people are fucking slim and even if you get that squared, it's an inconsequential difference in the end. You'll die or rot in prison and nothing will be any different. Don't be fucking stupid, you fucking scum. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Eleven really fucking good albums

Clandestine Blaze - "Fist of the Northern Destroyer"
Death In June - "Rose Clouds of Holocaust"
Discharge - "Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing"
Genocide Organ - "A Functional Chapter of the Sexual Process"
Leonard Cohen - "I'm Your Man"
Nicole12 - "Substitute"
Sisters of Mercy - "First and Last and Always"
Skepticism - "Aes"
Sutcliffe Jügend - "Death Mask"
Truppensturm - "Fields of Devastation"
Worship - "Last CD Before Doomsday"

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This shit isn't spicy you fucking pussy

I don't go out to eat much any more, because nobody makes food spicy enough for me.

Ok, that's a lie. I don't go out to eat much because I'm fucking poor. That part about people not making food hot enough is true, though.

If I go somewhere and I see something listed as "hot" on their menu, I always make it very clear that "I want it as hot as [their] chefs will make it."

I am almost always disappointed.

Are there some fucking pussies out there that couldn't handle something hot and threatened to sue every fucking restaurant that served something hotter than a bell pepper?

Fuck that shit. If you're one of those people with a fucking sensitive baby mouth that can't handle hot shit, don't fucking order hot shit.

I'm tired of desperately trying to convince the hot waitress at the Thai place that, "yes, I really do want it that hot" and it still come out far below my expectations. I know it's possible for them to make it how I want, because the owner has done it for me before. But he's never there.

So if you can't handle hot food, don't fucking eat where I eat. You're fucking ruining it for me. Where do I eat? I'd eat a lot of places if I had the money.

So stick to the fucking chain restaurants with their shitty, bland fucking food for shitty bland fucking people, you fucking scum.


Nazis and NSBM

I think one of the funniest fucking things in the world is NSBM. Black metal is supposed to be "evil" and nazis are "evil," right?

Nazis are fucking clown shoes. Holocaust? Yea, that was pretty brutal. I can get down with radical population reduction, regardless of the ideology behind it. Misery, hatred, mass death - all those things are present.

You know what's not fucking metal? Whining about how there aren't going to be any more white babies. Fuck you and your white babies. Fuck you and your desire for endless reruns of Leave It To Beaver.

White people are superior? What the fuck?!

Al Gore
Celine Dion
Walt Disney
All the fucking Kennedys

That's the fucking superior race? Seriously?

Go back to crying about how the children need to be saved, you fucking scum.


Multiculturalism In Theory and Practice

I've already covered my support for the freedom of expression for everyone, so let's move on to another incendiary issue - multiculturalism. To start, I want to say that multiculturalism is more fucked than a crack-addicted whore.

Now, does that statement imply that I have a problem with other peoples' cultures? No. It means that the vast majority of "tolerant" people, supporters of the globalist, multicultural ideal are hypocritical liberal fucking boring Caucasians.

Every people has a right to their culture, right? Of course. The problem is that, in the same way we approach freedom of expression, we only extend this protection to those aspects of cultures we find acceptable and similar to our own.

You like dogs? You think they're pets? Well, I don't care. Some Asian cultures think they're a great part of a meal. That's cool. Why the fuck not? Dogs are made of meat.

I seriously doubt most "open-minded" people would be willing to actively support the rights of people in America to buy dogs to slaughter and eat.

Here's an even better example: female circumcision, also known as "female genital mutilation." I bet I'm hitting a raw fucking nerve with this one. I'm fucking fine with this practice and see no reason to oppose it as of yet. You know why?

Because men have their fucking dicks cut and nobody cares. That's cultural. That's to be supported. Because fucking Jew-god said so. Isn't that some crazy bullshit? Fucking creator of the universe cares about the dick skin of little boys.

Just like every person has prejudices and opinions that other people find reprehensible, every culture as a whole has practices and beliefs that outsiders are disgusted and offended by. That's why it's a different fucking culture.

 Americans love showing off diversity like we're in a fucking museum. "Embrace other cultures," unless those cultures have practices that are radically different than our own. Fucking hypocrites.

We're the "melting pot," right? You know what happens in a melting pot? All the shit becomes indistinguishable. You make a bunch of stew, with carrots, onions, (dog) meat, whatever. After hours of it cooking, the carrots don't taste like carrots any more. It all tastes the same. And that's cool, something new is created, but the creation of the new necessitates the destruction and assimilation of the old.

So what's the fucking deal? Are we going to preserve and celebrate other cultures by keeping them unique and fucking distinct? Or are we going to go on destroying them through assimilation and calling it diversity? After a while it isn't diverse, it's just a fucking slop with no distinguishing attributes left to the original contributions.

Enough with the self-righteousness, the white guilt, the fucking sad attempts at appearing open-minded, you fucking scum.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Tolerance and Hypocrisy

Neo-nazis, Zionists, Palestinians, vegans, anarchists, communists, feminists, liberals, republicans, Christians, Wiccans, pagans, Klansmen, black nationalists, socialists, animal rights activists, environmentalists.

I have a real fucking problem with some aspect of every group of people I just mentioned. But I support their rights to express themselves, because I support everyone's right to free expression, whether or not I find their ideas distasteful.

Make up your fucking minds. Do people have a right to expression or not? There's the obvious, "Racism is different," argument but if someone brings that up I'll call you a fucking cunt.

Zionism is a form of prejudice. Merriam-Webster defines it as,

"An international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel."

Alright, so, Jewish nationalism is alright, but British nationalism isn't? That's pretty fucking skewed.

I really fucking enjoy the band Skrewdriver. Is that because I hold nazi sympathies? Only if listening to Crass (who I think are really fucking good) means support veganism and radical left politics.

Everybody is fucking prejudiced. Everyone has opinions someone else thinks are reprehensible. 

Get the fuck over it, you fucking scum.


Sunday, June 24, 2012


This is where I've decided to release all the vitriolic shit that enters my brain. Fucking pollution, really. This shit will not, in the short term, have any real sense of cohesion.

So, then. Who I am:

I prefer the pseudonym Nyskraa Famine Iscariot - I've been using some variation of it since around 2004 and I'm sure there's a bunch of idiotic rants of mine scattered across the internet.

In alphabetical order, some things that'll get mentioned on here are:

Black Metal
Body Modification
H. P. Lovecraft
Horror Movies
Spicy Food